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V Slovenijo je Carpus makeup center končno pripeljal svetovnega umetnika, mojstra specialnih efektov, ki ima v Angliji tudi svojo šolo, Shaune Harrisona. 21-23 oktober smo tako imeli rezerviran za vse ljubitelje specilanih efektov in galerijo slik si lahko že pogledate tu: Carpus bo tako pričel tudi s krajšimi delavnicami specialnih efektov, ki jih bo vodil umetnik svetovnega kova. Naslednji termin je predviden za junij 2018, zato vse interesente vabimo, da izpolnete obrazec, da vas bomo lahko obvestili o točnih terminih, ko bodo razpisani ter cenah. Filmi kjer lahko vidimo njegovo delo: HARRY POTTER 1 – 8, STAR WARS Episodes 1 & 2, STARDUST, SUNSHINE, SLEEPY HOLLOW, THE MUMMY, THE FIFTH ELEMENT, THE DaVINCI CODE, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, WORLD WAR Z, GRABBERS, JUPITER ACCENDING, DRACULA UNTOLD, GAME OF THRONES SERIES 4 & AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON . v filmu HELLRAISER 4: BLOODLINE je Shaune celo režiral nekaj sekvenc, sodeloval pa je tudi z Johnny Deppom v Sleppy Hollow, ter delal z Bradom Pittom, Angelino Jolie, Tom Cruisom,…. Prav zaradi tega ne smete zamuditi njegovih tečajev, saj vas bo naučil veliko. Za seboj ima namreč že 35 let izkušenj. Poleg tega, da je odličen oblikovalec prostetike, je tudi večkratni dobitnik nagrad kot ustvarjalec filmov. Njegovo šolo in njegovo delo lahko spremljate tudi na njegovi spletni strani: http://www.shauneharrisonacademy.com

English version

Carpus makeup Centre finally hosts global artist, a master of special effects, who has in England his own school, Shaun Harrison. The weekend before the actual halloweenom, October 21 to 23 was reserved for all lovers of special effects makeup. Shaune will have courses also in June 2018. When you provide us with the registration form, we will forward back to your e-mail information about dates in year 2018 Shaune will have courses in Slovenia in Carpus makeup center. Places will be limited (small group) Shaun’s Academy is the first in UK that is being created and run by prosthetic makeup artist who has worked on some of the biggest blockbusters in film history, like the Harry Potter series, Captain America, Star Wars, Sleepy Hollow, The Mummy, The DaVinci Code, The Fifth Element,World War Z, The Avengers2….and who has worked closely with the biggest hollywood stars like Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Chris Hemsworth and many more. This makes him one of the best teachers you want to be around. His prosthetic and makeup courses will give you all technical knowledge, skills and confidence in working with different types of materials, sculpting, painting and applying pieces. He has created courses suitable for everyone – with him You can learn prosthetic makeup from basics to advanced professional level. Movies where you can see his work: HARRY POTTER 1-8, STAR WARS Episodes 1 & 2, STARDUST, Sunshine, SLEEPY HOLLOW, THE MUMMY, THE FIFTH ELEMENT, THE DAVINCI CODE, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, WORLD WAR Z, grabbers, JUPITER ACCENDING, DRACULA Untold, Game of Thrones SERIES 4 & Avengers: AGE OF ULTRON. in the film HELLRAISER 4: Bloodline Shaun even directed a few sequences, and also collaborated with Johnny Depp in Sleppy Hollow. His school and his work: http://www.shauneharrisonacademy.com Galerija slik /picture gallery: